Sunday, February 13, 2011


we have a valentines day party today,tasty food-tasty dressed people with red color code and dancing but very loud music .
festivals and celebrations are great events planned by humans to rejuvenate the life ,experience and express brighter and better side of humanity,friendship,relationship,affection etc..and helping economy with all that spending done for celebrations.
my favorite festival was diwali (indian christmas) followed by new year because of all the goodies you get on those days from parents and elders, plus the entire atmosphere that's created due to that festivity. i have used the word' was' ,intentionally as now for me everyday is festival to celebrate and enjoy the life without waiting for those special days to come and one of the main reason for the this state of my mind to be joyful ,loving and at peace is one unique experience that i had in 1978 -feb -14 around the evening, in my apartment in india while meditating alone just by my self ,when suddenly whole of my inside lighted up and the black darkness,which has been always there before -, totally disappeared as if a switch is turned on in side me to remove that black darkness and what A wonderful and relieving feeling it was !!! no words to describe., and since then that journey to Ecstasy is continued as of this moment *****of course that is not the only reason for my present state of mind but i think it was a jump start to my journey towards blissful life that i have now. ( with some bumpy ride on outer material world ) the other factors are a constant eagerness to learn about life and its strange and mysterious ways of expressing gratitude, love , compassion and all the beauty if you are wise in real sense and punishment if you fumble from that awareness or disconnect your self to the inner that i have mentioned before .
As a side note: i never knew anything about this valentines day until after i migrated to usa in 1986.,and i am always delighted to think that my above experience is coincidence with such a great festival and celebration and that is also a reason to name heart temple or hriday ashram for this writings -also for me love is the most important feeling of life be it physical,-mental,-emotional-or spiritual.

have a very happy valentines day which would bring love and happiness all around the year to everyone.

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