Thursday, January 31, 2013

                                    TIME   DIES   ALWAYS  while  TIMELESS  LIVES  FOREVER 
it is well said that the time is a killer
because over a period every thing
dies within the perimeter of time
and with the death of that thing
time also dies as it looses the very
ground on which it existed.

here we are talking about the psychological 
time and not the time by the clock which is
needed for everyday life.

that psychological time keeps dying it self
as it is just a wave of the original timeless
state which the enlightened ones have experienced
them selves-so they keep pointing towards it
in different ways as per their personality.

the tricky part of  time less state is that 
the moment its importance is agreed -
one starts thinking about achieving the 
same or to understand it which is not
possible because the very process of
thinking is based on thoughts arising
from the past or the future imagination
which is accumulated over a period of
time which is a dead thing  against
that live never ending universal energy which
can only be felt and very hard to explain
in the way mind can understand .

and  because of  this problem an old
tradition of  guru came in existence as
it was very difficult to explain this timeless
state of the mind which guruji has experienced
and live with it everyday- that attracted many
curious fellows who were eager to live the same
peaceful serene life  and decided to be the followers
without any logic of mind but relying on their heart
for that powerful attraction of the timeless state.

in today's so called modern time it is very difficult
for most of the people to act without mind's logic
and heart's feeling - 
so that very tradition of  guru-disciple is obsolete 
and new trend of stand alone has emerged which
too is fine as long as it unfolds to the same timeless
state of  mind where mind it self does not exist.

this is that irony of unable to explain- again.

an experience of love is the glimpse of that
                'timeless state'



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

                            SPACE   CREATES   LASTING   RELATIONSHIPS .
in  the  beginning  of   any  new  relationship
very  little  or  no  space  is  left  between
the  two-due  to  over whelming feelings
and  if  some  one  tries  to  cage  and  protect
 that relationship  it  starts  becoming  stale
due  to the  lack  of  the  space  needed  to  nurture
it  and  gradually  it may  also  die  due  to  suffocation 
while  waiting  to  breath  fresh  air  through  the
so it is  very  crucial  to  have  a  space  inner/outer
between  any  relationship for it to grow strong enough
to last forever.
outer space is very obvious and easily  understandable
that it is not possible  for  any two  or  more lives to be
tied together physically without any space between them.
many times people do not understand the importance
of the inner space needed by each individuals for their
growth and freedom to flow with the life with or without
the attachments and if that lack of space is ignored for
the prolong time might result in the very end of it -which
was  hold so tight to keep it going...
so if  the importance of the space is understood t hourly
and honored by each-other will result in real lasting 
let there be enough space for all to fly  high and yet
remain strongly related to each other for ever.



the reality is that when u r living physically
close to any life -it does create a relationship
between them irrespective of their origination
or category and the relation built due to the
physical  closeness lasts longer and more fulfilling   
which may reduce the urge to run more for outer
thus  creating  a  better environment for  a  better
society and a better  world but  it is very crucial
to be aware of  all the  pitfalls of leaving together
and  hold  on to ones individuality which is the door
to that never ending flow of  energy/love-which will  be
gladly accepted by all lives living physically around.
so - if  people leaving far away physically from each
other-they will  have  much  lesser chances of  a better  life.
                     It is human tendency to create the comfort
and  heavenly environment  around their physical presence
which would materialized easily if they dont have to live
far from each other physically as lot of energy is needed
to create that paradise. 
Also it is very important to have enough physical space
between each life to grow.


Monday, January 28, 2013

running away from any kind of fear or avoiding it
does not allow life to be free to progress as deep
down that fear holds a portion of the life like an anchor
which never let go the life to fly higher for the progress
unless that fear is understood which is possible only
by staying with it courageously and observe it fully
awakened without any thought which distract the
usually most of the people adopt a short cut of
avoiding the fear -substituting with some other
activities and divert the mind from that fear but it
is never eliminated and goes down deeper to stay
and surfaces every time when life tries to move forward.    
ultimately all the short cuts become longer cuts than it
                          should be.


Sunday, January 27, 2013


very  truly  thought -  understood and  put
in  practice by opening the schools based
on the same policy by the great philosophizer
of  today's time j.krishnamurty. 

if u think  deeply u will  realize that the root
cause of  the mentality to compete-fight-
nourishing ego/fear etc...arises due to awards
given out or the punishment given......
the  awards  create  greed/desire/ego
the punishment create fear/complex....

both of which are like a slow poison
 entered in to children's  mind which
corrupts the  development of healthy
 serene life of the future .                     
             *     *     *
the hardest part for this type of education
is to find the right educators who understand
this process and practice it in their life
when there is a will there is a way-always.
so let us help in whatever way we can.

Saturday, January 26, 2013



this is the essence of  a  practically  lived  life
where lots of  ups  and  down occurred 
where lots of crying and  laughing happened
where lots of  turmoil and peace occurred
where lots of  money earned and  lost
where lots of  relations built and broke
where  lots of  excitement and suppression occurred   
where  lots of  health and sickness experienced
where  lots of   creations and  destruction done
where lots of celebration and mourning happened  
where  lots of running and tiring happened
                        at  the  end
    truth reveled  that ' nothing ' matters 
lo !!!  life  started ' blooming ' on its own.
                  *       *       *
thanks and love to all

Thursday, January 24, 2013

i am young and fashionable  so i wear checkered shirt/tight jeans 
 don't know how does fashion  starts and ends
i don't go deeper or inside me to find out.
i am young and  trendy so i drink 'star bouccs'  coffee
don't know how i got addicted to it
i don't go deeper or inside me to find out.
i am young and modern so i eat 'chipotle'
don't know how i got hooked up to it.
i don't go deeper or inside me to find out.
i am young and social  so i drink alcohol                  * SAME WITH SMOKING * 
don't know how i got addicted to it
i don't go deeper or inside me to find out.       
                                                                     which  is  temporary 
                                                                     which  is  permanent 
it is a big myth prevailing among most
of the people specially the young ones
any thing to do with the inner or deeper
self can be done at the later years of the life
meaning at an older age which is not true
the reality is to be one with the deeper self
requires lots of courage and energy which
generally declines as the age grows due
to various factors/circumstances of the life.
that search for the true self makes life 
much more enjoyable and meaningful
rather than chasing some unreal dreams
and be depressed on breaking up-
losing all that young energy which
could have given lasting peace and joy
instead of restless mind running after
another unreal dream of achievements.
most of the education institutes teach
to chase-compete-fight to achieve outer
world while missing out on the very
of the energy which fuels the strength in
the young ones of which they are totally
unaware as it is never taught by the educator.
it should be most important/integral part of 
the education system to teach also how to go 
               inside and find out
the 'truth'-  the  way it is taught to
 go out to find the facts of outer world.
only it is a real complete education for
                    beautiful earth.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


                                                            so  does
                                       FOR  THE  SPIRITUAL  HEALTH .
an atmosphere created by many  like  minded
individuals seeking  the same spiritual connection
does make a lot of difference in the spiritual progress
of  an individual because of the collective action
which charges the the surrounding that works as
                          the  catalyst
and the place like this is 'ashram' where seekers
get together and are guided to a serene life.
          *     *     *     *     *
while 'ashram' is a little  longer period-time wise
and  is a kind of  permanent  place
'satsang' is a shorter versions of  get together
for  the same  spiritual learning for a shorter
period -time wise but more frequent and at
different places.
          *     *     *     *     *
both of  above  are very important to understand
the life in depth and improve its quality by moving
beyond the "sos" and bloom  like a flower.
in every corner of the world both of the above
are always there-it is a matter of interest
and u  will definitely  find it to go to.

so take out some time and begin the journey
to the 'satsang' and 'ashram'for the blissful life.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013



'selection'  is  done  by  mind  as per its ,cultivation 
which  has  yes and no-good  and bed -black and white etc..
life  is much larger than a cultivated timid mind
who offers novelty every moment if u r receptive
                      without 'selection'
to enjoy and have that happiness which is in
everywhere distributed by that universal energy.
'selecting' your method or material for happiness  
                            you are
fighting with the giant to loose the battle -get
exhausted  and  die unhappy at the end
so  be  'wise'-meditate on the working of  'real' life
and not imaginary by a timid mind to   
                  accept graciously   
what that giant offers new-bees every time
    be  happy for ever after that.


Friday, January 18, 2013


 IT  IS ' NO  LOVE'  AT  ALL .

when  u love some one and expect them to love u in return
what is the difference between paying for some thing and getting return .
when u pay to buy some thing- it may or may not have that full feeling.
an unconditional  love  for  some one  is an  over flowing  pleasure from u 
                        expecting  no returns.

if u love some one for its beauty-its a matter of time -when beauty fades
love  fades -is it love ?

if u love some one for money and even if  it stays there whole life[luckily] 
u will be surely disappointed  once u realized that money can  buy only
temporary pleasure and never- ever lasting love which is a real pleasure.   

same disappointment and misery as long as there is a 'reason' for love-
be it power ,position,fame,etc....

actually it is a state of  your being which has to ooze love irrespective 
'                                           'any reason'.

all the talk about love in everyday life is give and take arrangements
made for little a longer term than market place and some emotion attached
to it -which has nothing to do with true love which is a liberating experience
in it self any given time for no reason or any condition for it to be so loving.
that is the state every human has a potential to unwrap to.


Thursday, January 17, 2013



once u are awakened  u will be amazed  to see the whole world working  up side-down
you will  start laughing  like  the laughing  BUDDHA as everyone is  running in circle 
 find the lasting peace and rest without stopping and looking within where it already
so just stop-simply stop
dont ask what or how

like u dont ask when u 
love-what or how

like u dont ask when u
play-what or how

like u dont ask when u
create -what or how

like u dont ask when u
are sporty-what or how

like u dont ask when u
laugh-what or how



Wednesday, January 16, 2013


                                                 BE  CREATIVE  STARTING  NOW
                                               BRING OUT  YOUR  INNER  WOW
                                                                 so that
                                                  EVERY  ONE  SCREAMS - WOW !!

creative action to accomplish any task
be it-writing-painting-singing- filming etc..
gives you a deep satisfaction and  elevates
life to a higher level from the mediocrity 
unfortunately creative actions are always
put on hold for future to earn bread/butter today
due to the ignorance that  creativity does not feed us
it could be little harder and longer to get the results
but creative work will out perform overall from any angle

                     so that


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


                              LOOSE  YOUR  CONNECTION  TO  THE  ROOT  SOURCE -LOVE
                                           DIE  BEFORE  THE  DEATH 

while chasing outer pleasure without awareness
u may loose your connection to the root source-love
and  die before the death.

when u identify your self to the material world
u may loose your connection to the root source-love
and die before the the death without the inflow of fresh energy

when your desires are far fetched and identified with
u may loose you connection to the root source-love
and die before the death deprived of that pure energy

ego and lust for the   luxury cuts u  off  from
the root source of pure energy--love- and u stop 
being live before the real death.

running after the illusory gains and getting exhausted
u may loose your connection to the root source-love
and die before the death.



Monday, January 14, 2013


                                                 FLY  THE  KITES  and  RISE  TO  THE  TOP 

fly the kites and rise to the top
through the fine thread of life
to  view how tiny is the world
below for which we struggle every day.

fly the kites and rise to the top
through the fine thread of life
to experience the vast space 
very much necessary for the elite life

fly the kites and rise to the top
through the fine thread of life
to have the glimpse of freedom
once u rise above from the rat race

fly the kites and rise to the top
through the fine thread of life
to know with first hand experience
that the world is full of opportunities

fly the kites and rise to the top
through the fine thread of life
to realize that it useless to fight
for a place which is in abandon everywhere.

fly the kites and rise to the top
through the fine thread of life 
to enjoy all the colors and forms
of the universe and its creatures[we]

have a happy kite day and do fly kites and enjoy the sport by cutting your friend's kite[not any one else]



Sunday, January 13, 2013


                                 HUMMING  HEART FULL OF LOVE  has  MELODIOUS  LIFE.

hum your favorite song from the heart
and dull lives around will be charged with love 

hum your song with your heart full of love
and inspire all to a melodious life

hum your song full of heart
to be supported by chorus in awe and love

hum your talk from the heart
to win all other hearts with love

hum all day long with love 
and fine tune with god

hum with heart for body to dance
which will find true companions full of love

humming and dancing is celebrating the life with love
to which all the lives are eagerly waiting to join

humming with love is the certified happiness
which does not need any endorsement

humming and dancing by the heart full of love
is very factious which results in the procession of the lovely people.

humming soul full of love have no time for complains or regrets 
 so it is always in love(time less) zone living blissfully.       

humming with love is endorsed by all the religions 
in the form of the prayers or bhajan-kirtan 

so let us sing -love- hum and dance to celebrate what existence has offered us.

love to all

                                            CHILD LIKES  are  FLOWERS LIKE.  

be a  child like and bloom
your life like flower

be a  child like and win
every body's heart

be a  child like innocent
and get true friends

be a  child like honest
and live peaceful life

be a  child like sporty
and win all the games

be a  child like polite
and get what u want

be a child like busting with energy
and reach any where in the life

be a child like dancer
and get an applause from everyone.

be a child like actor
and win directors heart

be a child like cute
to be hugged by all

be a child like trendy
to be followed by others

be a child like fighter
to conquer the world

be a child like sensitive 
to share  joy and sorrow with all

be a child like when grown to adult
to  re live and start the fresh life

be a child like and 
enjoy all the toys of the life


Friday, January 11, 2013


                                         KEEP GETTING  if   U   KEEP GIVING

keep getting lots of love
when u  keep giving the same

keep getting lots of money
when u keep giving the same

keep getting physically fit
when u keep giving attention to health

keep getting invitations to celebrate
when u keep inviting to celebrate

keep getting creations
when u keep giving to others

keep getting lots of peace
when u give same to others

keep getting lots of laugh
when u make others laugh

keep getting entertainment
when u entertain others


Thursday, January 10, 2013


                                   BE SPORTY  to  BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY

physically to be happy and healthy
remember all day long everyday to be sporty.

financially to be happy and healthy
remember all day long,everyday to be sporty.

while celebration  to be happy and healthy
remember ,all day long,every day to be sporty.

while creation to be happy and healthy
remember ,all day long,everyday to be sporty.

while making love to be happy and healthy
 for the best results always be sporty.

dancing is sporty to be happy and healthy

laughing is sporty to be happy and healthy,

sportsman spirit creates happy and healthy life.

sportiness harmonize body-mind and spirit to
create  melodious   happy and healthy life 

sport stops thoughts from wandering to focus
 on action which creates happy and healthy life.

so be sporty on every chance.



Wednesday, January 9, 2013



become  wise by the knowledge  to be fearless
and  create the heaven out of the hell

become  wise by  the love to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become  wise by  the meditation to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become  wise by  the spiritual discourses to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become  wise by  the right friendship to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become  wise by  the right education to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become  wise by being close to the nature to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell 

become wise by the sharing to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become wise by freedom to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become wise by the physical fitness to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become wise by the creativity to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become wise by the financial fitness to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

become wise by celebrating to be fearless
and create the heaven out of the hell

love to all


be wise 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


                                         NO ATTACHMENT  means  NO  TENSION.

do not attach to the house
and no tension of losing it

do not attach to the money
and no tension of protecting it

do not attach to the family
and no tension of relations

do not attach to wife
and no tension to earn

do not attach to children
and no tension to grow them

do not attach to health
and no tension to exercise

do not attach to your self
and no tension to maintain it

do not attach to  the attachment
and no tension of attachment 


                                 BE LIKE THE WATER  to  BE LIKE THE KING.

melt your self and be like the water
to be welcome by every one like the king

melt your self and be like the water
to enter easily anywhere like the king

melt your self to be like the water
to quench the thirst of the human like the king

melt your self  and be like the water
to stay inside all the body like the king

melt your self and be like the water
to attain all the different  forms  like the king

melt your self  and be like the water
to have all the colors of life like the king

melt your self and be like the water
to become the ice or steam like the king

melt your self and be like the water
to shower equally on the rich or poor like the king

melt your self and be like the water
to construct or destruct like the king


Sunday, January 6, 2013


                                          NEVER  MIND means NEVER  PROBLEM

NEVER mind -never mind  to be bright
and rise above all color,creed and cast
never mind, never mind to be wise and
not to choose between black and white
never mind- never mind to be sane and
do not be insane to be wrong or right
never mind-never mind to be joyous
always weather ups or down
never mind-never mind to be healthy
without any stress of yours or mine
never mind-never mind to be rich
always having money or not
never mind-never mind dancing
weather u know how to or not
never mind -never mind laughing
as the whole universe is joking
never mind-never mind singing
the song of life good or bed
never mind-never mind to be lover
of every one who hate u or love u
i feel good today-it being the first ever try to write a sort of song which projects the same explanation like in  previous discourses where it is plain text without the rhyme.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


                                                         JUST  LIFE  is  THE LIFE.

we all live life but not 'the' life which means life full of energy-vitality-oozing with love-beauty and peace, and one of the main reason is we are not living life at its fullest because we think that we have full control of our life and we can mold  it as per our whims and desire and get the results we want from it which is never possible as our own life is not independent of other lives which are all connected by a common universal thread and inter twined with each other -so cutting off our self in order to achieve happier life  from other lives is the mistake we make due to lack of the knowledge of this universal bond that we are part of  and that  ignorance of existentialism leads to a miserable life where we are groping in the dark to achieve better life and missing out on 'just' life which is already there always but due to wrong education by school/society we get lost in the jungle of desires and personal achievements.
so if we can 'just' flow with the stream of life instead of  swimming and fighting the stream of life to reach somewhere while creating misery for us and no matter what the journey ends at cemetery only-now  it is our choice to do the life journey while dancing and  graciously  excepting 'just' what life offers us or fighting and striving to achieve more and more ceaselessly which takes up much more life than it gives.          


Friday, January 4, 2013


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\IF  U  ARE NOT IN LOVE  then U ARE NOT ALIVE.

Most of us are thinking that we are alive because we are breathing and doing day to day activities mostly for earning the bread and butter which all of animals also do the whole day-so can we call that a life or our selves alive ? when we are doing mechanical  work day in -day out ,like a machine or at the most like animals.
what sets apart human from animals is the capacity human have to achieve the state of being which could always be in love with the life in its entirety and not to any particular person-thing or situation and that is the only true love -all other love for some one or something  is fragmented and so not complete which will have its cons like its pros ,which is a vicious circle where most of us are stuck.
so if we want to be alive every hour of  everyday then we have to be in love with the whole life 'as it is' and as it 'unfolds' every moment before us without any prejudice or likes and dislikes because all likes and dislikes are the product of our mind which is conditioned by the past acts and information or future desires and this is the  same thing that also keeps us  in that vicious circle to lead a superficial life without any connection to the very source of life where an infinite flow of pure energy occurs every moment.      




Thursday, January 3, 2013


                     BE  WITH  YOUR  INNER  OCEAN  and  NOT  WITH  ITS  WAVES.

Here we are  referring  to the ocean of our mind which has infinite capacity and energy just like an ocean which creates constant waves in it in the form of thoughts which arise and subside in a matter of time unless u get attached to it and try to build life around it and doing so you you are becoming one with the fragment of an entire ocean and forget the root source which is ocean and because of this attachment to the fragment you are never at ease or peace just like fish is thrown out of water who tried to attach it self with the wave and forgot the ocean can never be at peace and ultimately die after all the jumping done to survive.     

Wednesday, January 2, 2013



So it is your choice weather u want to keep struggling to be happy while inviting unhappiness and sorrow which is the other side of the same coin or stop chasing happiness in outer world and be content and aware of what u already have 'within' for which there is no need to chase anything anywhere because it is already there -'always'- and once u are established there ,there is no other side of it like the coin because it is infinite.
                       so to keep hanging between happiness and unhappiness is what most of the people do who never try to look 'within' and thus live  on the surface moving in circle following illusory path to no avail .
.while if u r alert and aware with all the sincerity to inquire in to life u will notice this pattern of   happiness and unhappiness and that knowledge it self will bring in radical change from moving in the circle or on the surface to the deeper layer towards the center from where everything originates flawless as well as endless.
                                          MORE  THOUGHTS means LESS LOVE.

when mind is full of thoughts
where is the space for love

when mind is full of thoughts
who will order an action to love

when mind is full of thoughts
how can u feel the touch of love

when mind is full of thoughts
u are in the past or the future
and love is in the present only.

more thoughts are random without
direction or seeking the solutions
while missing the lovely moments.

thus more thinkers
are less lovers.

love only -no thinking.