Tuesday, February 22, 2011


yesterday i stayed at home the whole day(which is not unusual for me ) and with little movement of body + previous days heavy food eaten at our resort caused little stomach up set(which is also not unusual for me) and i am sure that many of us suffer due to eating unhealthy food,specially at the parties and staying up late ,depriving of right sleep and yet we keep doing it,until you are full with in and do not need any outer excitement (to fill up that void) which is always temporary and results in suffering -physically-mentally and financially and to cover that loss we work so much that lot of time is consumed of our life and again that party ... so that vicious circle and 'that is name of the game for most the people'.
True relationship-friendship-love are the tools to break that vicious circle and enjoy the life peacefully without interruption or any co-lateral damage.
When i started writing this blog,i had decided not mention any one until i complete 15 days of writings without break and i did it with pleasure ,so on 17 th. day i told my family about it and couple of other people-preparing my self for any kind of comments,i may get.
first suggestion ,i received from my son to write about 'expectations' of all kinds from family,friends-romance etc...and its my pleasure to explore and understand it deeply on all levels starting from surface to the bottom of it.
expectations on the surface are like what happens in daily life for eg.we go to buy some food or some kind of service in exchange for the money paid for it and expect the right thing in return -be it food-service or something else which generally we get as per our expectation but some time it is beyond our expectation which could be good or bed and that either delights us or anger us ,unless we keep patience and try to know the reason behind it ,specially when we are angry.
now expectations which are deeper and long lasting like in friendship -family-or romantic-
all of above expectations are the product of time as we expect the others to meet our expectations at time to time in coming future and that time(psychological) is the product of our mind which is nothing but an accumulation of past memories(good or bed) while in real life every thing is always new and different which has nothing to do with the past-be it a relation-friendship or romance ,so those expectations which are based on some assumptions of the past will never get fulfilled as per the expectation and so will be created misery and bed taste in all type of relationships which cuts that very important cord connected to all the beloveds- friends-family-lover etc...
also when you have any expectation from any one -you have known them over a period means past and flow of life changes everyone more or less as per their receptivity of life which you may not be able to recognise unless you are extremely sensitive to those relations and change with the time which is not easy as you are so involved in your own life to observe those changes in others while holding on to old expectations which will create conflict in you and so the doubt which is not happy situation for any one .*****
every expectation has to be born and reborn again and again until you see its fatality and go beyond it(cease) - when all your expectations could start getting fulfilled as you are in harmony equally with birth and death of those expectations.*****

expect(exchange) in present only without the shadow of past or future on it to have a better chance of getting it fulfilled.
above all expect the unexpected and accept that unexpected with the whole heart as you would accept the expected.


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