Friday, April 8, 2011


yesterday when my wife asked my daughter why she does not want to be a doctor as she has to choose her career starting this fall semester and she has the merit and qualified to do so and her answer was a real surprising and revealing the fact about which i never thought-her answer was 1-she does not like to see the blood which is understandable for me knowing her sensitivity to every thing .2-every doctor kills at least one person while learning/practising as a doctor due to mistake he/she make and that is not acceptable to her thinking that why an innocent person has to die because of some one to whom they trust for their body. and this 2nd. reason was surprising to me a lot specially when hear ed from some one near and dear to me who is only 18years old.
Talking about death ,i have been thinking about it lately from the different perspective altogether and the concluded knowledge i got from that pondering is very relaxing and freeing from one of the biggest fear of human life which is the death of one's own life or his/her beloveds life.conclusion #1-death is equally important and necessary as much as the birth of any life for couple of obvious reasons-like when some one gets old he looses all the strength and energy to protect him self from any unwanted thing happening to him and start suffering due to deterioration of the body which becomes fragile and non responsive to any rejuvenating efforts thus only suffering for one's own self and big burden on one's beloved -so nothing is more necessary and important to be occurred is the death which would relieve one's self from all the sufferings and also one's beloved from unnecessary burden,this might sound like a logical explanation generated by mind while the heart still fears of death imagining loss of beloveds and all other things with that due to lack of complete openness to every one and everything in the world which eliminates the difference between me , mine and others and another reason also is that the very last moments are peaceful most of the time with may be some physical pain before it but never at the end and the body becomes non responsive to all the happenings of outer world including any suffering ,so why worry or fear? as you do not know anything and you do not feel anything , then where is the loss that your heart fears about?
conclusion#2-just like our everyday sleep, when we become kind of non responsive to many things to which we would response during our wake up state and when we get up in the morning we feel fresh and energetic to start a new day with all the enthusiasm and vigor ,in the same manner we may also start a completely brand new life in brand new home with brand new people after we become total non responsive to the outer world on our death ,like it is mentioned in many sacred books of the world
we may be enjoying a long deep sleep the way we enjoy a long sleep after a hectic, long and suffering previous day!!
As all the signs of everyday sleep are very similar to the death we see. there is nothing to be afraid of what is known as the death but to see it as a necessary and as important as the daily sleep we need to enjoy our life at its full.
i have read that the highest punishment given to the criminals is to deprive them of sleep and that sounds true as we all know what suffering we go through when we do not get enough sleep due to various circumstances in our life,so at some stage of our life we do need a solid long sleep means death ,rather than suffering life which is worst than peaceful death.
so enjoy the death just like birth and free you self from all the fear in life.

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