Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Discipline:most of the people are unable to have the kind of discipline and the amount of degree of sincerity needed to accomplish what is needed for peaceful-enjoyable life-and the most important reason for that is insensitivity towards day to day life where most of the time is consumed or rather wasted in doing routine stuff without being sensitive to the situation of life due to lack of interest and love for the work that is being carried on for money/daily needs to survive and the vicious circle of endless struggle sucks you in leaving no room/space to think and act for better life in most of the cases,so the root cause is lack of love in its totality(with all the different ways of its expressions) for the life it self due to ignorance of the tremendous potential and opportunities life has in store for us to explore and enjoy its benefits- if done it in right manner-many times this love for life surfaces from the bottom of our heart due to outside attraction for some one which we term as love in usual life or an inspiration from a person living a quality life with peace and joy (who is given the title 'guru').these outside catalysts including 'guru' ultimately starts fading as you progress towards better and deeper life through discourses-meditation and constant vigilant mind who is fully awake in out side world when the eyes are open during day time and during meditation while the eyes are closed to the outer world for the same.
enough for today

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