Mount Pocono-10am
Mind an extra ordinary thing existing in human physical body ,capable of creating any thing and all the things on this earth that it can possibly think-be it good or bed.let us try to explore little more than usual thinking from the surface..
generally we use mind to do our daily activities necessary for life to continue with least hardship and to do that mind's cultivation and conditioning plays major role in carring out those activities ,than there is another level of mind which tries to go deeper in to things which fascinates it or impresses it ,either to get aquainted with those things ,be it alive or non alive and in most cases to posses it ultimately thinking that now it can have all the excitement/happiness from it as and when needed and for that possesion ,it starts working towards that goal for achievement in which it may or may not succeed .if it succeed very soon it realises that it is not that great the way it thought while begening the journey for the same and gradually looses interest in what ever is achieved and finds something else that seems to be more promising than the previous achievement and the same story repeats more or less each time and if it does not succeed it feels bed and the life becomes either way mind is restless and spends all the energy towards some future achievements in the hope that it will solve all the problems of life and joyful life will begin to continue for ever without realising that the very process of using the present moments for the future achievements which is projected from the past is nothing but the ashes left over from the live burning of present moments of that period which is time and any thing originating from the left over ashes can never have that freshness and purity which is a real the ultimate result is never satisfactory to become quite and cool to enjoy the life as is with all its beauty and vastness thus that vicious circle keeps on going until one breaks out of it towards the radical journey which is beyond time and rhymes with life in every moments.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
mount Pocono-9am.
last couple of days i could not write on this blog but i did write a comment/appreciation to Amitabh bacchan(an Indian actor)-whose dedication to honor his promise to write his blog everyday is unparalleled and i have not read/heard of any one so dedicated to write for his extended family -which he created through his blog,which is not a matter of few days but its already close to eleven hundred days without interruption and still going strong everyday ,in spite of his busy schedule and traveling all over the world-so he is the living proof of utilizing every hour he has towards creativity and productivity in the utmost positive way and thus some one becomes legendary ,lot to be learn t from him and a great source of inspiration. Hats off to him.
Visual media -be it a small screen or big screen, the kind of recognition it gives to the individual facing camera is humongous from every aspect of life weather its fame or fortune or affection of the people and now a days its not that difficult to get into that field due to explosive growth of all the visual media like TV-Theaters and now icing on that sweet cake is inter nett.some thing to think about for career beginners as well as semi retired people who are not so much occupied in daily routine like middle aged ones.
Other big/spiritual advantage could be an awareness that one has to maintain while facing the camera and when this is done for prolonged time it will eventually create a 'better person' with that outer better personality prepared to face any camera ,also there is no room for thought to wander around but to be in the 'present' only as long as you are in front of camera and the essence of spirituality is nothing but to be in the 'present'.
harshad is
last couple of days i could not write on this blog but i did write a comment/appreciation to Amitabh bacchan(an Indian actor)-whose dedication to honor his promise to write his blog everyday is unparalleled and i have not read/heard of any one so dedicated to write for his extended family -which he created through his blog,which is not a matter of few days but its already close to eleven hundred days without interruption and still going strong everyday ,in spite of his busy schedule and traveling all over the world-so he is the living proof of utilizing every hour he has towards creativity and productivity in the utmost positive way and thus some one becomes legendary ,lot to be learn t from him and a great source of inspiration. Hats off to him.
Visual media -be it a small screen or big screen, the kind of recognition it gives to the individual facing camera is humongous from every aspect of life weather its fame or fortune or affection of the people and now a days its not that difficult to get into that field due to explosive growth of all the visual media like TV-Theaters and now icing on that sweet cake is inter nett.some thing to think about for career beginners as well as semi retired people who are not so much occupied in daily routine like middle aged ones.
Other big/spiritual advantage could be an awareness that one has to maintain while facing the camera and when this is done for prolonged time it will eventually create a 'better person' with that outer better personality prepared to face any camera ,also there is no room for thought to wander around but to be in the 'present' only as long as you are in front of camera and the essence of spirituality is nothing but to be in the 'present'.
harshad is
Monday, April 11, 2011
sex:the most avoided topic by most of the religious teachers-be it in eastern part of the world or western part due to the firm belief of many ignorant people that sex is sin and should be avoided or suppressed to achieve an enlightenment,this is the most harming and unfortunate phenomenon that has occurred to human kind because of the misrepresentation of the real facts by so called religious teachers who has acquired knowledge from the books -but no first hand experience or an y deeper understanding of life it self ,but i always know that for any misunderstanding or suffering we go through -we are the sole responsible for the same and to blame some one else- be it a person or society or circumstances other than our self is cheap escapism which any dignified individual would not opt for ,so let us try to go deep and understand sex with open and alert mind leaving all the assumptions about it to the side and ponder over our own first hand experience of it as an adult,matured person.
All most all the live beings are attracted and ultimately gets indulged in to the sexual activity at the certain stage of their life and the age/ time for which varies a lot due to many reasons known and unknown and once experienced it ,a deep craving to repeat it again and again seems almost unavoidable and the obvious reason every one knows is -it is an extraordinary experience of Ecstasy that creates craving for the same but going deep into our mind to know more about it we would soon realised that even though its an extra ordinary experience of life ,it can not be fulfilled satisfactorily without a partner which creates a dependency on some one else than our own self for that pleasure and any kind of dependence on any one other than your self is bound to limit the life and its exploration for infinite -independent joy which is the ultimate purpose and the goal of the every life.
For the joy and freedom of the life ,it is necessary to be independent of any outer agent and avoid all the miseries resulting from that dependence , many in the past and in the present ,very deep thinkers and wise people with real wisdom found out that same ecstatic experience is possible without any dependency of an outer agent which creates the 'hell'-(as a well known philosopher said the other is 'hell') and as the result of that finding, they reached or UN covered the state of mind which could remain in ecstatic form all the time on its own without any outer agent and that phenomenon is termed as an enlightenment among the truth seekers.
It is very important to understand that other is not always the hell but the 'otherness' is for sure ,this otherness completely dissolves when two people are in deep love with each other which state of being could help tremendously to experience that freedom/enlightenment for both the individuals involved in the phenomenon -and the whole science of enlightenment with the help of opposite sex partner is known as 'tantra vigyan'(science),this method to be enlightened is rare and avoided by most of the religions due to lot more chances of failure due to the habit of conditioned mind to rush to experience that extra ordinary Ecstasy sooner even though for the fraction of the period rather than complete awakened state which lasts for ever and to be aware and awake during those moments is possible only if the seeker has very deep thirst to know the truth of the life in its entirety and has courage to let go that temporary pleasure for something which is permanent and eternal .
Now please understand very well that 'tantra' way is not for every one and it is one of the many different methods for enlightenment and there are other methods apart from 'tantra' which are much lesser riskier to fall from because those other methods do not have that powerful natural force attached to it ,the way it is in 'tantra' method.
let me be very clarified that no method is a set guaranteed method for enlightenment -be it 'tantra' or other traditional method,it will be safe to say when you jump beyond all the methods completely to the unknown with all the courage you have ,than and only than you will reach there and once there you will keep laughing like a laughing 'Budhha' who found that mystery was no mystery at all to work so hard to solve it or to be enlightened.
understanding above facts the immediate question which arise from a shallow mind for how to achieve an enlightenment? will realise and take trouble to go deep within ones self and try to find out on its own,of course an enlightened one would be the great source of inspiration and guidance .
let us dissolve that otherness with others from our life and live harmoniously with every one to make the life enjoyable and peaceful to unfold the ultimate mystery.
love to all.
sex:the most avoided topic by most of the religious teachers-be it in eastern part of the world or western part due to the firm belief of many ignorant people that sex is sin and should be avoided or suppressed to achieve an enlightenment,this is the most harming and unfortunate phenomenon that has occurred to human kind because of the misrepresentation of the real facts by so called religious teachers who has acquired knowledge from the books -but no first hand experience or an y deeper understanding of life it self ,but i always know that for any misunderstanding or suffering we go through -we are the sole responsible for the same and to blame some one else- be it a person or society or circumstances other than our self is cheap escapism which any dignified individual would not opt for ,so let us try to go deep and understand sex with open and alert mind leaving all the assumptions about it to the side and ponder over our own first hand experience of it as an adult,matured person.
All most all the live beings are attracted and ultimately gets indulged in to the sexual activity at the certain stage of their life and the age/ time for which varies a lot due to many reasons known and unknown and once experienced it ,a deep craving to repeat it again and again seems almost unavoidable and the obvious reason every one knows is -it is an extraordinary experience of Ecstasy that creates craving for the same but going deep into our mind to know more about it we would soon realised that even though its an extra ordinary experience of life ,it can not be fulfilled satisfactorily without a partner which creates a dependency on some one else than our own self for that pleasure and any kind of dependence on any one other than your self is bound to limit the life and its exploration for infinite -independent joy which is the ultimate purpose and the goal of the every life.
For the joy and freedom of the life ,it is necessary to be independent of any outer agent and avoid all the miseries resulting from that dependence , many in the past and in the present ,very deep thinkers and wise people with real wisdom found out that same ecstatic experience is possible without any dependency of an outer agent which creates the 'hell'-(as a well known philosopher said the other is 'hell') and as the result of that finding, they reached or UN covered the state of mind which could remain in ecstatic form all the time on its own without any outer agent and that phenomenon is termed as an enlightenment among the truth seekers.
It is very important to understand that other is not always the hell but the 'otherness' is for sure ,this otherness completely dissolves when two people are in deep love with each other which state of being could help tremendously to experience that freedom/enlightenment for both the individuals involved in the phenomenon -and the whole science of enlightenment with the help of opposite sex partner is known as 'tantra vigyan'(science),this method to be enlightened is rare and avoided by most of the religions due to lot more chances of failure due to the habit of conditioned mind to rush to experience that extra ordinary Ecstasy sooner even though for the fraction of the period rather than complete awakened state which lasts for ever and to be aware and awake during those moments is possible only if the seeker has very deep thirst to know the truth of the life in its entirety and has courage to let go that temporary pleasure for something which is permanent and eternal .
Now please understand very well that 'tantra' way is not for every one and it is one of the many different methods for enlightenment and there are other methods apart from 'tantra' which are much lesser riskier to fall from because those other methods do not have that powerful natural force attached to it ,the way it is in 'tantra' method.
let me be very clarified that no method is a set guaranteed method for enlightenment -be it 'tantra' or other traditional method,it will be safe to say when you jump beyond all the methods completely to the unknown with all the courage you have ,than and only than you will reach there and once there you will keep laughing like a laughing 'Budhha' who found that mystery was no mystery at all to work so hard to solve it or to be enlightened.
understanding above facts the immediate question which arise from a shallow mind for how to achieve an enlightenment? will realise and take trouble to go deep within ones self and try to find out on its own,of course an enlightened one would be the great source of inspiration and guidance .
let us dissolve that otherness with others from our life and live harmoniously with every one to make the life enjoyable and peaceful to unfold the ultimate mystery.
love to all.
Friday, April 8, 2011
yesterday when my wife asked my daughter why she does not want to be a doctor as she has to choose her career starting this fall semester and she has the merit and qualified to do so and her answer was a real surprising and revealing the fact about which i never thought-her answer was 1-she does not like to see the blood which is understandable for me knowing her sensitivity to every thing .2-every doctor kills at least one person while learning/practising as a doctor due to mistake he/she make and that is not acceptable to her thinking that why an innocent person has to die because of some one to whom they trust for their body. and this 2nd. reason was surprising to me a lot specially when hear ed from some one near and dear to me who is only 18years old.
Talking about death ,i have been thinking about it lately from the different perspective altogether and the concluded knowledge i got from that pondering is very relaxing and freeing from one of the biggest fear of human life which is the death of one's own life or his/her beloveds life.conclusion #1-death is equally important and necessary as much as the birth of any life for couple of obvious reasons-like when some one gets old he looses all the strength and energy to protect him self from any unwanted thing happening to him and start suffering due to deterioration of the body which becomes fragile and non responsive to any rejuvenating efforts thus only suffering for one's own self and big burden on one's beloved -so nothing is more necessary and important to be occurred is the death which would relieve one's self from all the sufferings and also one's beloved from unnecessary burden,this might sound like a logical explanation generated by mind while the heart still fears of death imagining loss of beloveds and all other things with that due to lack of complete openness to every one and everything in the world which eliminates the difference between me , mine and others and another reason also is that the very last moments are peaceful most of the time with may be some physical pain before it but never at the end and the body becomes non responsive to all the happenings of outer world including any suffering ,so why worry or fear? as you do not know anything and you do not feel anything , then where is the loss that your heart fears about?
conclusion#2-just like our everyday sleep, when we become kind of non responsive to many things to which we would response during our wake up state and when we get up in the morning we feel fresh and energetic to start a new day with all the enthusiasm and vigor ,in the same manner we may also start a completely brand new life in brand new home with brand new people after we become total non responsive to the outer world on our death ,like it is mentioned in many sacred books of the world
we may be enjoying a long deep sleep the way we enjoy a long sleep after a hectic, long and suffering previous day!!
As all the signs of everyday sleep are very similar to the death we see. there is nothing to be afraid of what is known as the death but to see it as a necessary and as important as the daily sleep we need to enjoy our life at its full.
i have read that the highest punishment given to the criminals is to deprive them of sleep and that sounds true as we all know what suffering we go through when we do not get enough sleep due to various circumstances in our life,so at some stage of our life we do need a solid long sleep means death ,rather than suffering life which is worst than peaceful death.
so enjoy the death just like birth and free you self from all the fear in life.
yesterday when my wife asked my daughter why she does not want to be a doctor as she has to choose her career starting this fall semester and she has the merit and qualified to do so and her answer was a real surprising and revealing the fact about which i never thought-her answer was 1-she does not like to see the blood which is understandable for me knowing her sensitivity to every thing .2-every doctor kills at least one person while learning/practising as a doctor due to mistake he/she make and that is not acceptable to her thinking that why an innocent person has to die because of some one to whom they trust for their body. and this 2nd. reason was surprising to me a lot specially when hear ed from some one near and dear to me who is only 18years old.
Talking about death ,i have been thinking about it lately from the different perspective altogether and the concluded knowledge i got from that pondering is very relaxing and freeing from one of the biggest fear of human life which is the death of one's own life or his/her beloveds life.conclusion #1-death is equally important and necessary as much as the birth of any life for couple of obvious reasons-like when some one gets old he looses all the strength and energy to protect him self from any unwanted thing happening to him and start suffering due to deterioration of the body which becomes fragile and non responsive to any rejuvenating efforts thus only suffering for one's own self and big burden on one's beloved -so nothing is more necessary and important to be occurred is the death which would relieve one's self from all the sufferings and also one's beloved from unnecessary burden,this might sound like a logical explanation generated by mind while the heart still fears of death imagining loss of beloveds and all other things with that due to lack of complete openness to every one and everything in the world which eliminates the difference between me , mine and others and another reason also is that the very last moments are peaceful most of the time with may be some physical pain before it but never at the end and the body becomes non responsive to all the happenings of outer world including any suffering ,so why worry or fear? as you do not know anything and you do not feel anything , then where is the loss that your heart fears about?
conclusion#2-just like our everyday sleep, when we become kind of non responsive to many things to which we would response during our wake up state and when we get up in the morning we feel fresh and energetic to start a new day with all the enthusiasm and vigor ,in the same manner we may also start a completely brand new life in brand new home with brand new people after we become total non responsive to the outer world on our death ,like it is mentioned in many sacred books of the world
we may be enjoying a long deep sleep the way we enjoy a long sleep after a hectic, long and suffering previous day!!
As all the signs of everyday sleep are very similar to the death we see. there is nothing to be afraid of what is known as the death but to see it as a necessary and as important as the daily sleep we need to enjoy our life at its full.
i have read that the highest punishment given to the criminals is to deprive them of sleep and that sounds true as we all know what suffering we go through when we do not get enough sleep due to various circumstances in our life,so at some stage of our life we do need a solid long sleep means death ,rather than suffering life which is worst than peaceful death.
so enjoy the death just like birth and free you self from all the fear in life.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
since i have bought the resort at mount Pocono- i have been thinking to conduct meditation/discourses sessions for 3 days/ nights ,every month but for one or other reason it never happened ,but i have decided to start it from may-20 to 22-2011 with minimum charges for lodging+boarding for attendees to cover the cost.
yesterday i talked to the young fellow from India and was impressed about his passion to make the film and his research and preparations for the same-now for the person like this one does not have to use much brain or be an astrologer to predict his bright future in the field of film making which will give him all the fame and fortune every body dreams about.
so to have this type of passion the upbringing of a child by loving and understanding parents are very important as well as the teachers at the school and colleges also play a major role in developing child's curiosity in to an action with deeper understanding of life and love to excel in what ever they wish to do.
Love for anything can not be taught academically but an atmosphere or the fertile ground can be created by parents and teachers which will enable child to feel the love and that first hand experience of it would do the major trick in transforming child's energy in to a creative phenomenon.
If we can refrain from imposing our ideas and beliefs on our child and let them grow on their own while providing them with the basic needs until they can get it on their own with utmost care not to hurt their feelings or growth which may not seem to be right some times due to our conditioned mind and the way we were brought up or taught in our time which becomes obsolete after a period,so not to hold on to that and be equally eager and curious with them for the new things happening in the new world which will strengthen the bond of love further and create a harmony between both.
Be it our child or other's ,let us do that.
since i have bought the resort at mount Pocono- i have been thinking to conduct meditation/discourses sessions for 3 days/ nights ,every month but for one or other reason it never happened ,but i have decided to start it from may-20 to 22-2011 with minimum charges for lodging+boarding for attendees to cover the cost.
yesterday i talked to the young fellow from India and was impressed about his passion to make the film and his research and preparations for the same-now for the person like this one does not have to use much brain or be an astrologer to predict his bright future in the field of film making which will give him all the fame and fortune every body dreams about.
so to have this type of passion the upbringing of a child by loving and understanding parents are very important as well as the teachers at the school and colleges also play a major role in developing child's curiosity in to an action with deeper understanding of life and love to excel in what ever they wish to do.
Love for anything can not be taught academically but an atmosphere or the fertile ground can be created by parents and teachers which will enable child to feel the love and that first hand experience of it would do the major trick in transforming child's energy in to a creative phenomenon.
If we can refrain from imposing our ideas and beliefs on our child and let them grow on their own while providing them with the basic needs until they can get it on their own with utmost care not to hurt their feelings or growth which may not seem to be right some times due to our conditioned mind and the way we were brought up or taught in our time which becomes obsolete after a period,so not to hold on to that and be equally eager and curious with them for the new things happening in the new world which will strengthen the bond of love further and create a harmony between both.
Be it our child or other's ,let us do that.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Discipline:most of the people are unable to have the kind of discipline and the amount of degree of sincerity needed to accomplish what is needed for peaceful-enjoyable life-and the most important reason for that is insensitivity towards day to day life where most of the time is consumed or rather wasted in doing routine stuff without being sensitive to the situation of life due to lack of interest and love for the work that is being carried on for money/daily needs to survive and the vicious circle of endless struggle sucks you in leaving no room/space to think and act for better life in most of the cases,so the root cause is lack of love in its totality(with all the different ways of its expressions) for the life it self due to ignorance of the tremendous potential and opportunities life has in store for us to explore and enjoy its benefits- if done it in right manner-many times this love for life surfaces from the bottom of our heart due to outside attraction for some one which we term as love in usual life or an inspiration from a person living a quality life with peace and joy (who is given the title 'guru').these outside catalysts including 'guru' ultimately starts fading as you progress towards better and deeper life through discourses-meditation and constant vigilant mind who is fully awake in out side world when the eyes are open during day time and during meditation while the eyes are closed to the outer world for the same.
enough for today
Discipline:most of the people are unable to have the kind of discipline and the amount of degree of sincerity needed to accomplish what is needed for peaceful-enjoyable life-and the most important reason for that is insensitivity towards day to day life where most of the time is consumed or rather wasted in doing routine stuff without being sensitive to the situation of life due to lack of interest and love for the work that is being carried on for money/daily needs to survive and the vicious circle of endless struggle sucks you in leaving no room/space to think and act for better life in most of the cases,so the root cause is lack of love in its totality(with all the different ways of its expressions) for the life it self due to ignorance of the tremendous potential and opportunities life has in store for us to explore and enjoy its benefits- if done it in right manner-many times this love for life surfaces from the bottom of our heart due to outside attraction for some one which we term as love in usual life or an inspiration from a person living a quality life with peace and joy (who is given the title 'guru').these outside catalysts including 'guru' ultimately starts fading as you progress towards better and deeper life through discourses-meditation and constant vigilant mind who is fully awake in out side world when the eyes are open during day time and during meditation while the eyes are closed to the outer world for the same.
enough for today
Sunday, April 3, 2011
last week i was exploring about the patent registration because my son and few other young fellows from india suggested to me that i should patent my idea to avoid its abuse by some lazy and greedy people who may not want to go deep within them selves to find the treasure they have in them but desire to have that wealth any way without working for it. so while discussing about the same with my son i realised what a great foundation of a trust worthy government america has and its respect for the intellactual rights for a person of the origenation for his ideas and inventions,not only moraly but also commercially and as i have mentioned earlier in the blog about business and its importance in every persons life not only for daily needs of the physical outer body but for the enhancement of the inner spiritual body also and i am writing this from my own experience and experiments to live without money in my life at the begening of my spiritual journey way back before almost 30+ years which some of my old friends still reminds me about it. and that sounds contrary to the general belief and a myth about money is a non spiritual thing and deters the seeker of the truth from its path but our own first hand experience does not need any validity no matter how great or ancient and glorified that myth is.
coming back to the intelectual rights-the way it is protected in america (with its flows-which is in every system) i feel great at being its citizen and i am sure that most of the country do realise the importance and benefit of this rights for the individuals for their progress in all aspects of life which ultimately constitutes the great society and the great nation to live in for the peaceful and proceperous hats off to america for that inspiration to the world about it and implementation of it sincerely at home to set an example for others to follow...
hope that some of the readers of this blog get inspiration from this and get some patent for them selves which will thrill me and my efforts to write will continue with extra energy with that news from the creator.
best of luck for that
last week i was exploring about the patent registration because my son and few other young fellows from india suggested to me that i should patent my idea to avoid its abuse by some lazy and greedy people who may not want to go deep within them selves to find the treasure they have in them but desire to have that wealth any way without working for it. so while discussing about the same with my son i realised what a great foundation of a trust worthy government america has and its respect for the intellactual rights for a person of the origenation for his ideas and inventions,not only moraly but also commercially and as i have mentioned earlier in the blog about business and its importance in every persons life not only for daily needs of the physical outer body but for the enhancement of the inner spiritual body also and i am writing this from my own experience and experiments to live without money in my life at the begening of my spiritual journey way back before almost 30+ years which some of my old friends still reminds me about it. and that sounds contrary to the general belief and a myth about money is a non spiritual thing and deters the seeker of the truth from its path but our own first hand experience does not need any validity no matter how great or ancient and glorified that myth is.
coming back to the intelectual rights-the way it is protected in america (with its flows-which is in every system) i feel great at being its citizen and i am sure that most of the country do realise the importance and benefit of this rights for the individuals for their progress in all aspects of life which ultimately constitutes the great society and the great nation to live in for the peaceful and proceperous hats off to america for that inspiration to the world about it and implementation of it sincerely at home to set an example for others to follow...
hope that some of the readers of this blog get inspiration from this and get some patent for them selves which will thrill me and my efforts to write will continue with extra energy with that news from the creator.
best of luck for that
Saturday, April 2, 2011
since early morning until now watched world cup final of one day cricket and what a thrill as india seemed to be in big trouble at the begening by loosing important wickets but fought back and got back in the game with cool efforts of captain and his team mate which ultimately lead them to the fine victory after lot of ups and downs.,thus became the world champion after many years.
while watching i observed that the captain m.s.dhoni was ailing and suffering by body pain but looking at the situation he decided to continue playing ignoring all that body pain and focused completely on the game where nothing existed between him and the game including his status ,fame,fortune or his own body pain and when one reaches to this kind of state of mind or to say better in such a state of no mind where only full awareness of consciousness and flow of pure energy flows uncontaminated ,it is bound to create all kinds of miracles and results which may not be easy to achieve ordinarilly .i also observed that during those hours he became very much a child like,innocent and unaware of outer world and its atticate or formalities the way an innocent child is immersed fully with his toy and enjoying every moment he is passing with it and that makes any kind of sport or art -the most important thing that could happen to any human being in their life at any age of life.
so the most important thing in life is to keep not only in touch of any sport or art performance but to indulged in it fully as and when we get the opportunity ,be it as a participent or an audiance.
in short be a sport or artist as much as you can and as many times as you can which is the highest flowering of ones life and the root cause for the famous people to be that much famous .
lets be
sporty to start now and meet again with same spirit tomorrow.
since early morning until now watched world cup final of one day cricket and what a thrill as india seemed to be in big trouble at the begening by loosing important wickets but fought back and got back in the game with cool efforts of captain and his team mate which ultimately lead them to the fine victory after lot of ups and downs.,thus became the world champion after many years.
while watching i observed that the captain m.s.dhoni was ailing and suffering by body pain but looking at the situation he decided to continue playing ignoring all that body pain and focused completely on the game where nothing existed between him and the game including his status ,fame,fortune or his own body pain and when one reaches to this kind of state of mind or to say better in such a state of no mind where only full awareness of consciousness and flow of pure energy flows uncontaminated ,it is bound to create all kinds of miracles and results which may not be easy to achieve ordinarilly .i also observed that during those hours he became very much a child like,innocent and unaware of outer world and its atticate or formalities the way an innocent child is immersed fully with his toy and enjoying every moment he is passing with it and that makes any kind of sport or art -the most important thing that could happen to any human being in their life at any age of life.
so the most important thing in life is to keep not only in touch of any sport or art performance but to indulged in it fully as and when we get the opportunity ,be it as a participent or an audiance.
in short be a sport or artist as much as you can and as many times as you can which is the highest flowering of ones life and the root cause for the famous people to be that much famous .
lets be
sporty to start now and meet again with same spirit tomorrow.
Friday, April 1, 2011
as an effort to add some creativity in daily life,i ran an ad.for creative people and recd. one good responce on,which is very satisfying and whelming with excitement ,thanks to my son who placed this ad. for me in Craig list which i did not expect to be put on there and of course to sujay who responded so quickly to the ad.and what a coincidence that the story line has a spiritual flavor as one of the main ingredients,so that universal energy is much less contaminated flowing through me compare to others who complains about not receiving what they want!
this incident should trigger some more interest in inner self awareness to the reader of this blog which will also serve the purpose of writing this blog and will supply me with the energy i need to continue writing.
by the way ,readers might be curious to know about the ad. that i ran,so i will post it here....
owners of the natural film studio spread over one hundred acres at mount pocono-PA-U.S.A. invite writers/directors to shoot the entire feature film in hindi/english in America for their production house on regular basis- as per following guide lines....
1-the complete film should not go over the budget of $250,000- which will be fully funded by our production house.
2-entire film should be complete and ready for release within 120 days from the signing of the contract.
3-writer/director will send one page synopsis of the story and upon approval,a bound script will have to be delivered within two weeks by them.
4-detail budget of the film and payment schedule with potential star cast is a must with the application.,(if any actor has agreed to do the film with the dates will be considered on priority bases)
5-synopsis/budget once submitted will not be returned,irrespective of acceptance or rejection.
6-person with valid u.s.a visa is preferred but not essential.
7-send your resume/story/budget by e-mail to
any reader interested in joining above creative festivity is most welcome.
above mentioned studio is the same one about which i have written before in this blog as a mega project and my resort at mount pocono.
thanks and love to all.
as an effort to add some creativity in daily life,i ran an ad.for creative people and recd. one good responce on,which is very satisfying and whelming with excitement ,thanks to my son who placed this ad. for me in Craig list which i did not expect to be put on there and of course to sujay who responded so quickly to the ad.and what a coincidence that the story line has a spiritual flavor as one of the main ingredients,so that universal energy is much less contaminated flowing through me compare to others who complains about not receiving what they want!
this incident should trigger some more interest in inner self awareness to the reader of this blog which will also serve the purpose of writing this blog and will supply me with the energy i need to continue writing.
by the way ,readers might be curious to know about the ad. that i ran,so i will post it here....
owners of the natural film studio spread over one hundred acres at mount pocono-PA-U.S.A. invite writers/directors to shoot the entire feature film in hindi/english in America for their production house on regular basis- as per following guide lines....
1-the complete film should not go over the budget of $250,000- which will be fully funded by our production house.
2-entire film should be complete and ready for release within 120 days from the signing of the contract.
3-writer/director will send one page synopsis of the story and upon approval,a bound script will have to be delivered within two weeks by them.
4-detail budget of the film and payment schedule with potential star cast is a must with the application.,(if any actor has agreed to do the film with the dates will be considered on priority bases)
5-synopsis/budget once submitted will not be returned,irrespective of acceptance or rejection.
6-person with valid u.s.a visa is preferred but not essential.
7-send your resume/story/budget by e-mail to
any reader interested in joining above creative festivity is most welcome.
above mentioned studio is the same one about which i have written before in this blog as a mega project and my resort at mount pocono.
thanks and love to all.
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