Thursday, March 29, 2012


back to book writing... 24/7/365 LOVE PARTY

what is the party?
all the parties have two main live ingredients 1-host 2-guest ,most of the time guests are many more in nos. than host-in rare unfortunate situation it is other way around.
most of the parties have tasty and now a days very decorative food to eat-nice ambiance at venue-and very loud but good music which fills your heart to dance where expert in dancing enjoy more while non expert satisfy them selves while watching those dancing experts.,and of course every one comes in good attire with smile on their faces.
now the party which i mentioned above usually lasts any where from three hours to three days in some longer event like marriage,but it does end with some good and not so good memories and for sure lot of exhaustion on both the guests as well as hosts-more on host which invariably brings some sickness with means the drain follows the gain for sure - even though no one wants drain but only gain which is not possible.
now the party which our title suggests is sort of on going long...long party which will have almost every thing that i mentioned in regular parties but all the gain will be very casual and relaxed with very few bed memories followed by same casual and relaxed drain which is not unwanted but anticipated,planned and gladly excepted and that is the beauty of it and then and only than it can last as long as you want it to last like 24/7/365 days.
most of the sensible people would prefer casual and relaxed party with like minded close friends and families as compared to larger than life party with so many strangers and lot of artificiality in every thing which is very short lived .
let us start exploring that idea of 24/7/365 days party and implement it to see how it works starting tomorrow....
until than ...have party

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

47-edison-6.30 am.

who am i ?
the real me is consciousness embodied in a person called harshad(harry) which name was given to my body by my father ramniklal shah and mother gajara doshi when the consciousness assumed the physical body-so now onwards it will be referred as i by me for the practical purpose,who was born on June the town called mahuva- situated in mid west part(Gujarat state) of father/mother were very religious following Jainism established and carried on by the chain of 24-tirthankars(god).
After my mother passed away when i was about 4 or 5years old -my father moved to bombay with me ,my sister and his 2nd.wife-my new mother who is 85years old now and staying with me until today since i was 5.
I finished the school and graduated in college with chemistry and biology in 1971.,and started business instead of working for some one as i was very clear not to let go my freedom and creativity by working for some one to earn my livelihood. as i was always sincere to find out the truth of the life and thus began the spiritual journey which was catalysis by osho in the beginning years followed by j.Krishnamurti with lots of reading about various spiritual masters and started meditating on my inner everyday and also practicing TRATAK(gazing meditation to increase focusing power) .
while meditating in the evening around 5 of February 14 th.1974 ,suddenly my whole inner was fully lighted with soothing flow of energy instead of black darkness which used to be there whenever i watched within me meditating.
Since than until today always there is proportionate light within while i am in SAMADHI(timelessness state of mind) almost everyday.
At present i am staying at Edison town in new jersey state of U.S.A.where i migrated before 24 years from India and living with my wife(58) ,son(28),daughter (19) and mom(85),having few properties generating income for the whole family to live decent life with all the freedom to do what i want to do with my life .
planing to start the activities of Hriday Ashram at all my properties gradually starting first at mount Pocono-PA.

Friday, March 23, 2012


i was waiting for web site to be ready and published-which is done now and i am getting ready to start new venture of my life to conduct meditation seminars on regular basis every month.this is a shift of gear for the journey of my life towards spirituality where i will try to share what i have been enjoying-the flow of fresh energy from within as and when needed which eliminates stress or grief if present due to circumstances or any reason just like a magic it will be a new play for me to invite people and talk to them about this magic lamp and its presence in every live body and how to unveil that treasure covered under the dust of conditioned mind.
Just the thought of this journey excites me and it is exhilarating-wow!!!
hope to see you soon and let us begin this extra ordinary venture.