Monday, May 5, 2008

There are four catagories of love that I have defined as follows....
1-spiritual love-highest form-can not be expressed- to be felt only.
2-mental or psychological love-2nd highest needed to express the highest
3-physical love -needed to maintain physical body.
4-conditioned love (karma)-accumulation of the past deeds.
As I have experienced(not learned from some sacrade book or religion) that spiritual love,offcourse without that "I"-(it is not possible any other way),it travels through all above four catagories ,the first three are necessary for day to day normal life,while the fourth one is definately not needed to progress as spiritual being(love).
To understand it more by an example we can imagine that there exists an unexhuastable universal energy which manifests it self through all living beings including animals and trees too, lets call it a pure steam(spiritual love),which becomes hot water when expressed through mind,which could generate wonders in the universe in any field and we all have seen and experienced it again and again but we should not forget that this still hot water and not that pure steam,thats why no matter however big invention or social reformation thought, it ultimately dies,now that same hot water(mind) is needed to express any and every thing in the outer world and that forms an indviduality,so the individual world of each being, now this hot water travels further down to fulfill daily needs of the body and doing so it becomes cold water which is also necessary for body to survive,and the same cold water travels further it becomes ice which is the fourth catagory of the love mentioned before as a conditioned love which is completely unnecessary and worth getting rid of in its entirity,than and only than we can have a constant flow of that pure steam from that unexhaustable source ,as we all know that if there is no exit there can not be an entry,so the most important task is to get rid of that conditioning of mind and all the religions of the world is showing the different ways and means to do that and as I mentioned earlier that with the passage of time all old paths becomes useless like cold water freezes and becomes stone like-lifeless.
So the new path I have found is of LOVE(steam) ,which if practised in every moment of life just by remembering as many times as we can in the begining until it becomes very integral part of our life and the only part of our life ultimately like Krishna-Jesus-Buddha-Mahavira etc...
more details later on .thanks.
lots of love to begin with

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hi everyone
I have enough time to listen to your problem and try to find the solution for it together with you. so please do not hesitate to write me or call me at 732-429-2118.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Love Party 24/7/365

First time ever in my life, trying to write a possible book on computer instead of handwriting on paper.

Starting of a book now.

Is it destiny (luck) or a deliberate effort that you have picked up this book to read out of so many books available?

May be or may not be-does it matter? Yes? No? Or both?

Let us see, if it was a deliberate effort due to some recommendation or a search for eternal pure love, if you have chosen this book that means you are more in harmony of your life’s desire and better control over life. While you have accidentally or impulsively picked up this book means your subtle conscious has found something dear to you.

Now while reading this book are you aware of your physical body’s position? Is it really in comfortable posture with all its parts like hands, legs, back, head etc. as if you love this entire process of reading? Please take a moment and check because in this entire book, we will try to understand and implement the most beautiful process of never ending love. Hope you did some adjustment.

Now begins the mental journey, try to be harmonious with the comfort of your physical body adjusting to your wandering thoughts the same way, you adjusted your body posture so that you can feel that fresh energy emerging from the gap between the thoughts.

This gap is the very tiny manifestation of that pure energy which people may say God, truth, moksha etc..but I prefer to call it Love , so in this book wherever I use the word
love it means god or truth or being or consciousness etc.

Here in west, people may think of sex when spoken or talked about love party, but this book is not about it. Even though the ultimate achievement of that great feeling of bliss is the same ,the only AND BIG DIFFERENCE is in sex you need a real intimate partner to achieve that blissful climax. What we will talk in this book is radically different and independent of any outer partner or agent except your only self, which in it self is a great relief and freedom as one great philosopher said “the other is hell”. So now you know what type of love party I am talking? Some may call it innocent love or selfless love or spiritual love etc.

Many of you might be surprise and very much doubt about the same type of blissful achievement can be attained without sex, but to find it out you have to experiment with your self constantly as well as read and observe some real spiritual masters, in their entirety.

Now let us start that journey towards complete freedom and bliss without any outer agent or material whatsoever.

This book will continue.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The heart is a symbol of love. and spiritual love is pure, vast, and will shower equally upon those who have faith in God and those who don't.

Heart MONASTERY(Hriday ashram) is not affiliated with any specific religious or financial organizations.

Our actualHriday Ashram(herat monastery) is designed with two spaces: one is filled with a pink color symbolizing the oasis which is held in each non believer(atheist). The second will be occupied by the photographs of all the members belonging to that center of local area of H.A symbolizing our equal love and utmost faith in these members.


Monday to Friday, 8pm to 10pm: Spiritual prayer and music.

Weekend and Holidays, 10am to 11am: Spiritual Discourses

11am to 12pm: Personal Guidance

12pm to 2pm: Lunch and offerings.

2pm to 4pm: Creative Activities (artistry, painting, theatre, filmmaking)

4pm to 5pm: Tea Break

5pm to 10pm: Family and Group Entertainment

Our membership for the H.A. is $31-for life.

Members may also host a party or sponsor lunch, dinner, or any of the above activities in our space.

Any suggestions to improve the quality of our member's lives are welcome.

Please go to www.hriday to register. Thank you!